FREE water forever. LEGALLY!!!!

I installed a 30k gallon metal tank in my backyard so that I can run my entire house on rainwater. Often called a rainwater catchment or rainwater collection system; this has allowed me to avoid using city water and to catch free water from the sky instead. Think of it as a pool-sized rain barrel crammed into my backyard.

30,000 GALLON TANK- $16,000 USD
PVC pipes and fittings and gutter works – $4,000 USD (very rough estimate)
My time and labor- hard to quantify. The steel for the retaining wall was probably around $1,000 USD.
Tractor purchased used probably still retains 90% of it’s value
Other tools and welders obviously cost money.
Sand and rocks- About $1,000 all said
Refurbished pump- $500
Backflow preventers and other fittings- $1,000

Labor to the contractor varies widely based on how much work you do yourself. These are very rough numbers and probably vary from region to region. The cost of drilling a well in my area would have been on par or slightly more than the above tank cost. The pumps and filters would have been required for either.”